Her majesty the Mussel. Paired with our Debit 2018 and Rosé Malena 2019 a beautiful sunny autumn day, these gigantic mussels from Šibenik channel were definitely in the spotlight of our guests. Prepared with open fire a la plancha by winemaker and host Filip Baraka. Our just released Babić 2018 and still unreleased Maraština Tenebra 2019 were served with traditional cheese made by local artisanal cheesemakers and selection of famous Drniš area prosciutto.
Wine and local produce tasting and an educational tour of our winery was hosted for the local travel guides and agencies.
Supported and organised by Sibenik-Knin tourist board and @tastesibenikknin
Great ? by Valerio Baranović @thevaleriob All Rights Reserved
Mussels a la plancha Mussels a la plancha Drniš prosciutto and local cheese Our tasting room
For full gallery of photos and text you can visit this Sibenik.In original article.
Rosé Malena 2019 Plavina & Lasina
Rosé Malena is a light refreshing rosé wine intended for easy days in the spring and summer but also in winter when we need to evoke summer vibes. Made of Plavina grapes and about 10% of Lasina, both local and indigenous varieties of Dalmatia.